1C1A1B | 544133 | 616B15 | 9B7C5D | C1A486 | E7D4B4 | EBBF7E | F9F4F0 |
I have been doing photography for about 5 years and I love it .I have been posting here on and off for a couple of years and have made some good friends and have learned lots from others ,and sometimes I even get lucky and get a shot that works.Your comments and tips are welcome please feel free to do so. Thank you for visiting my site and feel free to come back at any time
@Larry Elkins: Thanks
@Mici: Thanks very much
@Terral: Thanks Terral
@Curly: Thanks Curly
@Julie: Thanks
@Susan: Thanks Susan .If I go slow and spend a while there I have been within a couple feet of them but mom growls at me once and a while ..People are probally gettin tired of all my pics but i just love shooting them
@Sandy Weston: Thanks Sandy and dont worry mommy always reminds me she is there
@k@: Thanks very much
@Mindi: Thanks very much
@Tina: Thanks Tina
This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.
1/500 second
ISO 400
250 mm